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Hi, This is Wresie.  And welcome to my blog! <3 I'll be posting on here snippets of things I'm writing, a possible "Yo...

Friday, September 30, 2016

Re:Union Profiles #5

[Re:Union - Profile - T]

Name: Gamma

Age: 45

Race: Dracori and Demon

Gender: Male-giver

Personality: Gamma is a true leader, strong willed and protective, although sometimes a little quiet. He's a deep thinker and likes to spend his time doing the same jobs his crew mates do. Gamma doesn't believe he's higher than anyone else, but he does know how and when to put his foot down. Thanks to his two species he's neither overly lazy nor sharp tempered, rather he's a balance of nobility and power. Gamma isn't a power hungry or really aggressive man, instead he's rather passive and prefers peaceful interactions, but he knows when to be violent and when not to be.

Flaws: He becomes aggressive and irritable when his crew is put into unnecessary danger, he likes to drink when he's overly stressed but not excessively just enough to get him tipsy and throw his aim off, he's been known to be a little sexiest and has looked down on bearers who try to break the mold of what “true bearer” is.

Description: Gamma has ice blue eyes like his younger brother, but there ends the similarities. He's tall, broad shouldered, strong, and rather masculine. He looks the part of a captain short of his long, curly raven hair. A top his head are a pair of Dracori horns which are pure white ivory much like his fangs and claws. He has another form that resembles a western dragon with the long neck and bulky body. His breath is that of toxic nauseous gas with another deadly and acidic like poisonous breath, but he only breaths these when he's truly and well fumed. His other form is pure black with ivory horns/claws/teeth/spines/tip of tail and his eyes glow in this form making his ice blue eyes even creepier.

History: Gamma ended up raising his little brother after his father passed when Nonna was 14, although his brother seemed to basically raise himself from there on out. Gamma has recently celebrated with Nonna the five year anniversary of Nonna's bakery opening. Gamma was has the typical history leading to him becoming captain. He trained to be a marksman, thanks to his drive he quickly rose through the ranks, become the “First Mate” for a while before the previous captain retired due to family reasons.

Goal/Drive: Gamma wishes to finally slow down the advancement of Ascension BLUE, find a candidate for his position in order for him to be able to retire before fifty since he's already served over twenty-five years.

Powers/Abilities: His breath powers listened above and his alternate form.

Other: Gamma is more than willing to sacrifice himself for his crew if need be.

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