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Hi, This is Wresie.  And welcome to my blog! <3 I'll be posting on here snippets of things I'm writing, a possible "Yo...

Friday, October 28, 2016

Kenny Through the Timelines Colors

A/N: I've decided to study my character designs and write out all the colors necessary to create them. I may make this into a short series since I actually had a lot of fun thinking about this and writing them out, later on I'll find both the number and names for all of my colors and list them properly below. Also. When I draw I use Prisma Color Brush Tip Markers. Since they are alcohol based they can mix together like paints can so some colors are mixed together to make a hair color, eye color, or skin tone. I will also make a list of common skin tones, unusual hair colors, and eyes colors I mix to make at a later date. I hope this helps people understand my process more!. I will also be posting this color lists to dA when I am finished with all of them~!

["Unsorted" - Character Analysis - K]

Kenneth Stryker's Colors:
Processed Red
brick bridge
light peach
black (gloves and shoes)
cloud blue for his pants
some chocolatey brown
and all the cool grays for his shadow flames

Kenneth "Vincent":
brick beige
light peach
egg shell (hair)
crème (hair)
true green
apple green
dark green
cool gray 10%
cool gray 30%
cloud blue (jean shorts)
Yellows for sunlight powers

Kenneth Frost:
#14 (eyes and hair during day, just eyes at night)
All grays by night
Warm gray for clothes during day
brick beige
egg shell
light peach

Kendra Stryker: 
Tuscan Red
brick beige
light peach
cool gray 10%
cool gray 50% 
cool gray 70%

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