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Hi, This is Wresie.  And welcome to my blog! <3 I'll be posting on here snippets of things I'm writing, a possible "Yo...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Back from the Fringe

[Broken Science - Update]

The realm of "Canon" has been suddenly changed. I've struggled for years in order to make specifics of this universe work, to be able to bring in characters that don't fit the original theme of the world very well, to not "God Mod" and "Mary Sue/Gary Stu" my characters, to bring an entertaining and interactive world together so I can share it with everyone. But it was only after a sudden explanation of one my characters that I realized what was wrong.

This is NOT a fantasy world. It was never meant to be. I have a wide variety of characters, ones that I love, who have been made untrue to themselves and world around them is not the one they belong in. So I am going to fix this, I am going to take all unnecessary pieces out of the world and, for the most part, I am going to start with the bare bones of the place. The one thing I know that is going to stay is my character Jackie's original being, beyond that all characters and the entire world is getting a revamp. I realize not many people will understand this, but I feel like I need to let everyone know that THIS is what NEEDS to be done. No more tip toeing around the problem. I'm going to uproot the world and rip it apart, find the core, and restore it to what it once was.

I hope to bring back all the things that once made this world great, what made this world fun, I want to put the Broken back into Science. The amazing Fringe Science that was done in the original horrific world was exactly what this world is meant to be. Filled with emotion, character growth and decay, and most importantly the shattered healing the shattered. This is a universe, a world in which the worst of humanity is brought out. But in light of this the best of humanity can also shine.

Its scary. Terrifying even, probably horrific to some what will be happening. But this is Horror after all.


A specific genre that I've always wanted to avoid because I've always been easily scared, seems to be my niche and I like it that way. From here on out the world known as Broken Science shall be the Science Fiction Horror it was meant to be. I promise to never stray from the path of proper world growth and build this thing back up from the ground to where it will shine the way its meant to - with an eerie glow that shimmers in the moonlight. My characters will grow up and grow into their roles thrust upon them rather than just being the roles at the start. The world will grow with the characters as well as always being there.

I make the promise now to give you all the best experience. So lets brings the Fringe back to Fringe Science together. I can't wait to take this journey with every person who comes a crossed this.

And now I have to say. Welcome to the rebirth, welcome to the recreation of an idea I once thought was long since lost...

Welcome to my world...

Welcome to Broken Science: Rebooted.

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