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Hi, This is Wresie.  And welcome to my blog! <3 I'll be posting on here snippets of things I'm writing, a possible "Yo...

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Mirrored Remix...?

Hi everyone,

This is Wresie. I am coming to tell you that I am working on Broken Science: Reboot, but when a friend of mine said something about taking an experiment group from it and starting a series based on just them it got me thinking. And, well, this was one of the things I thought. I couldn't shake it so I wrote it. And thank you to the friend who put the idea in my head - I'm most likely not gonna be able to put this down now.

I hope you all enjoy this while I work on Broken Sci. Also, I would like to mention this is the second story/series thing that I wanted to name "Mirror|rorriM". But this one will probably be far more successful than the "remake of Alice in Wonderland" I was doing. Though I may write that too.

Thanks for reading this, you can now move onto the short.


[ Unsorted - World Building - T ]

Mirror | rorriM

Rose | nrohT

Its was an everyday occurrence, one she should ignore. Yet another scuffle between rowdy boys and their newest disagreement. Her sensitive hearing had picked up the fight from five blocks away when it had just been shoving, a small frown had morphed her face from blank to slight discomfort. She knows she shouldn't investigate, that this isn't her priority, but her body moved before she consented and her red hair whips around her like a flaming halo as her lightly taken running foot falls draw her onto the scene.

Its something she knows she should avoid.

But its something she can't forgive.

Four boys are present. One is hanging limply, no fight left in their body between two others holding him up by the armpits. The two holding the first are snickering, their jeering voices not going to have enough time to reach the red head as they react. The fourth, the one throwing punches at the first as he can't defend himself, is cackling.

She reacts.

She knows she shouldn't.

But she does.

Her body snaps like a viper, striking just as deadly. The cackling boy's eyes widen a fraction before he falls, their gray depths going dark into unconsciousness. Next comes the two jeering. First the one on the left has their arm dislocated with a vicious pop and then is sent flying to the ground with a kick to the back. Finally the boy on the right freaks out.

“Wha... wha... WHAT THE HELL?!?!”

His voice dramatically raises as she grabs him, her eyes a crystal red. “I don't like bullies.” And she head butts him, hard. He loses consciousness immediately as he's dropped to the ground. Her head is a little sore from the brute force and she turns her vicious gaze onto the fourth boy. When she sees his scared eyes she feels her frown come back, her blank face twisting into one of slight discomfort again. “Hey, hey...” She holds up her hands to show she isn't going to harm him. “I'm here to help, see?” She waves to the people around them, but the boy's eyes widen like a scared animals and he starts screaming.

“MONSTER,” The word stings as it reaches her words, other words catching up to her senses as well. Ones from the supposed fight earlier. Words like 'little bitch' and 'faggot'. These are words she couldn't forgive or ignore, or so she has rationalized with herself as her mind catches up to the words being screamed at her. “Stay away...!” The boy stumbles back as she goes to reach for him, to help him since he's injured and she wishes to bring him to a hospital. “st-Stay away you monster! You-You freak!”

Beneath the sudden rage from the others reaction is a tidal wave of sadness. This is why she isn't meant to help people. This is why she avoids confrontation at all costs. This is why she lets Thorn handle these things.

Its as simple as holding your breath and diving under water, only to emerge once more as a whole new being. Her eyes darken to a bloody crimson as all meekness and concern fades from them. Her blank facade melts away to pain and anger.

“The only monsters that are here are the ones who were attacking you,” Her body turns, fluid and deadly as it goes, but lazy like a cat. There are no threats around so she has not reason to be here. As a matter of fact she knows she's not meant to be here.

But she is.

So she looks over her shoulder at the scared boy.

“There is a clinic about two blocks south of here, they'll fix you up.” And with that she darts off into the city. Her body like a lethal weapon, her mind a dagger all on its own. She was made for destruction, yet its peace she craves. And, one way or another, as a member of the Eighth Division she has brought it upon her shoulders to bring it. One stupid, ungrateful brat at a time.

She hears a struggle about three blocks east. Her senses tell her this time its a girl being overpowered, the high pitched voice making her head ache even from this distance.

She knows she shouldn't go there.

But she also knows she will.

So whats the point in fighting it?

Her body is already moving anyways.

And this is why Thorn needs Rose, because she acts with out over analyzing things. She does what she needs to when she needs to. This is why crimson eyes become crystal. And her feet silently smack pavement, bring her closer to the struggle she knows she shouldn't encounter.


That never stops her.


  1. Oh my dear god. This is amazing. I need to know more. Holy shit I need to know more. Wresie this is so fucking perfect holy shit.

    1. Thank you soo much. Next comes Flora/Fauna. I hope you enjoy their little intro as well~ -hugs-
