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Hi, This is Wresie.  And welcome to my blog! <3 I'll be posting on here snippets of things I'm writing, a possible "Yo...

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Character Short #4

[Unsorted - OT]

Quintus Short #2

Wings are smashed into a hard, cold marble wall, a small gasp leaving rosy pink lips, “h-HEY!” Ruby-red eyes are wide with fear as a clawed hand runs through black curls. A powerful heart pounds in the weakly struggling bearer's chest, his pale skin pink and hot. “Stop that! le-LET GO YOU JERK!” But the white haired male in front of him just towers over him with a smirk.

Electricity thunders down the smaller male's spine as the clawed hand brushes down his cheek, a disgusting whimper leaves his lips. The shock wasn't pleasant, far from it, rather it was his defense mechanism kicking in and reminding him to run. The shuddering through his body and sputtering heart telling him to fight, but he can't, he can't seem to get his brain to connect to anything else than his mouth.

“Heh,” Lips are pressed to the tip of his ear before sharp bite to the cartilage. Another shock, more pain. Then the other's voice whispers in his ear, making his head spin. “You said you were going to fill in for the bitch, right? You still sure about that, bearer?” Of course he looks up, red eyes boring into crystallized amber ones.

He manages a smirk, “In a moment I'll be kicking your ass.” Of course this is when the larger male, the giver, leans back. For a short moment confusion is mixing on his face before he just chuckles.

“Aw, cute.” And he lifts his hand for bringing it a crossed the pale boy's face, an almost snapping sound echos down the long hallway they're in, the many windows bleeding in a midday sunlight. The pain stings the bearer's cheek, but he just narrows his eyes. “You think you can fight back? Pathetic. Even your body knows to just give up.” And those cruel lips are on his own, silencing words and his body can't move and his heart is thundering and-


The body pinning him to the wall is thrown to the side. The spell holding him still broken as the half Magi, half Dracori stumbles back. Turning his gaze to the side he sees a young man dressed in a modest suit, glaring coal gray eyes, and a ruler in hand, “Jiizen.” The giver's name has the male taking a step back, amber eyes huge in confusion. “That is more than enough.” The proper looking bearer pushes pale blonde bangs from his eyes.

“Uh, s-Sir! We, uh, I was just disciplining this wayward-”

“Shut up!” The giver falls silent and the proper bearer sighs, tapping the ruler to his cold face. “Hmm... Lets see, a proper punishment...? Ah, I know...” He smiles icily. “Jiizen you are hereby relieved of your duties.”

“sa... Sir?”

“I suggest going to pack, you have exactly one hour to leave the school or I will have to call in someone to remove you!”

The giver nods, “Yessir.” And turns to walk off, a dark glare shot the younger bearer's way. The elder bearer sighs once he's gone and turns to the young bearer with an almost emotionless expression.

“You're tardy again, Nanami.”

“Uh, r-right!” The black haired boy nods and goes to run off when his arm is caught. Turning he sees coal colored eyes looking worried. “Watcher, sir?” And then he's released after a few tense breaths.

The blonde male sighs and walks past Nanami, “Quintus was it?” The boy nods. “Good job at protecting your fellow bearer... If Josie hadn't come to me I fear your spirit would of finally been broken, child... I'm taking you to the Nurse... He'll watch over you along with Josie until we're certain Jiizen has left the grounds. Come along now.”

Nodding slowly the younger bearer follows in slight confusion. Watcher Fell hardly ever is kind to the students, let alone someone who is as far from the school's teachings as he is. Yet here he is showing a shred of kindness and compassion. Quintus Nanami was quite impressed to be honest, despite his slightly gaping mouth as he follows behind Watcher Fell still wary of the idea of being whacked himself with the Watcher's trusty ruler.

But the two walk on in silence, neither speaking now that the coast seems clear. As they arrive at the Medical Wing Nanami sees a handful of advanced first years assisting the Nurse, but he's swept in past them to be placed in a back room with only one other person sitting in it on the only available bed. Blue curly hair and green eyes running over with tears, snot pouring from a cutely freckled nose, this is Josie Jemper. Josie is one of Quintus' classmates and the only dorm room member who doesn't act like he's the plague just because he doesn't wish to follow every rule placed before them.

Josie is a gentle child, their soft like although metallic wings ruffle the blankets him when he looks up. Seeing Nanami he leaps to his feet, “You're safe!” And barrels into him, quite unbearer like. But Quintus is like no other bearer in this school. Instead of freaking out or falling over he holds his ground and wraps his arms with care around Josie. Being almost a head taller than the other makes for laying his chin upon their head rather easy. Josie blubbers and rubs snot all over the front of him, the black haired bearer not minding at all. Quintus holds still save for the gentle rubbing of the other's back between his wings, much akin to how his own bearer used to treat him when he was small and before his parents had sent him off to this Goddesses Forsaken place.

“I told you I would be,” Quintus says softly when the blubbering dies down a little. “I don't break my promises, Josie, you know that.” He tilts his head and places his cheek onto the smaller bearer's head, sighing to himself. Many nights he found the blunette up and sniveling in his own, lonely bed having awoken from nightmares. At the time he didn't know what they were about, but looking back now he should of know that someone was abusing Josie, someone was taking advantage of his kindness and gentle heart.

Watcher Fell sighs then and Josie jumps, smacking his head into Quintus' and both whimper a little. Bearers still are the frailer of the two sexes after all. And male bearers even more so than females who have strong immune systems that only fall short of female givers. The two bearers pause. Then they look at one another. Shortly they're giggling. Watcher Fell sighs again before placing his hands onto both of the boy's heads, “Take care of each other... Givers may be strong, but even they can be knocked down a peg or two. But only... If we work together... Posed, purposeful, perfection, but never pretty headed. And never, ever someones bitch. We are prizes to be won only by those who are worthy, not those that blunder and bash their ways through the ranks. We are not prizes for the brainless. We are prizes for the gentle and the kind and the intelligent. Never fall short. Never let the other teachers break the you behind the mask...” And with that he pulls his hands away. “Now I must go speak with the Headmasters... Stay here until I come to get you...”

He heads for the door, modest suit being adjusted as he walks. He stops just outside the door, “And Nanami?”

Quintus looks up, his red eyes wide with worry. “ye-Yessir?” The blond slowly brakes into a smile.

“I expect a full report on my desk by lights out today. Do not leave out any details,” And he sweeps off while Nanami huffs to himself. Josie just smiles and pulls him to the bed where parchment, quill, and ink wait for him. Sighing Quintus starts his report, beginning from the first time he encountered Josie crying and moving forward from there.

This was going to be a long one.

And Quintus Nanami HATES having to use proper calligraphy...

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